Creeping Oxalis (Oxalis corniculata)
Common Names
- Creeping Wood Sorrel
- Procumbent Yellow Sorrel
- Yellow Oxalis
Creeping Oxalis (Oxalis corniculata) is a low-growing, mat-forming perennial weed commonly found in lawns, gardens, and disturbed areas. It spreads aggressively through stolons and can form dense ground cover. The plant has trifoliate leaves that resemble clover, with heart-shaped leaflets that are typically green but may have a reddish or purplish tint. It produces small, five-petaled yellow flowers that give way to elongated seed capsules capable of explosive seed dispersal.
Leaves & Stems
- Trifoliate leaves with heart-shaped leaflets.
- Green to reddish-purple foliage.
- Prostrate, creeping stems that root at nodes.
- Small, bright yellow, five-petaled flowers.
- Typically bloom in warm seasons.
- Flowers arise from slender stalks.
Fruits & Seeds
- Elongated, cylindrical seed capsules.
- Capsules burst open explosively when mature, scattering seeds.
- Seeds are tiny and capable of long-distance dispersal.
Creeping Oxalis spreads through both vegetative means (via stolons rooting at nodes) and by seed dispersal. The seed capsules explode when mature, projecting seeds several meters away. The plant thrives in disturbed soil, lawns, garden beds, and pathways, making control difficult.
Similar Species
- Oxalis stricta (Common Yellow Woodsorrel) – More erect growth habit compared to the creeping nature of Oxalis corniculata.
- Medicago lupulina (Black Medic) – Resembles oxalis due to trifoliate leaves but has yellow flowers that form small clusters instead of singular blooms.
- Trifolium repens (White Clover) – Also has trifoliate leaves but produces white, globe-shaped flower clusters.