Cats Ear Weed
Botanical name: Hypochoeris radicata
Common Names
Also known as: cat's ear, cat's ear dandelion, cat's-ear, catsear, common catsear, false dandelion, flat weed, flatweed, hairy cat's ear, hairy cat's-ear, hairy catsear, hairy wild lettuce, rough cat's ear, spotted cat's ear, spotted cat's-ear
Cats Ear Weed Description
Herbaceous perennial growing from hard, thickened, overwintering base (caudex); fibrous-rooted, but often with several enlarged roots, appearing tap-rooted; leaves in a basal rosette, hairv (hispid), oblanceolate, toothed or pinnatifid, 3-25 cm long and 0.5-7 cm wide; stems (stalks) 15-60 cm tall, branched above, or in small plants simple, sparsely and minutely bracteate, or naked, often spreading-hispid below, possessing a ‘milky’ juice; leafless, with small scale-like bracts only; flower heads (capitula) yellow, 20-30 (-40) mm wide, usually several, terminating the branches and rather showy; florets ligulate, monoclinous and bisexual, the ligules surpassing the involucre and about four times as long as wide; involucre l0-15 mm high at anthesis, up to about 25 mm in fruit, its bracts imbricate, glabrous or hispid; fruit an achene, orange or brown, body of the achene mostly 4-7 mm long, from a little longer to more often much shorter than the slender beak, the prominent nerves and the lower part of the beak muricate; pappus plumose with two rows of hairs, shorter outer hairs commonly merely barbellate.
May be confused with common dandelion, Taraxacum officinale.
Reference: https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/27895