Adama Marvel Ultra 120ME Turf Growth Regulator Now Comes in 1L!
Posted by Dale on 20th Nov 2019
Product Overview
Marvel® Ultra 120ME is a turf growth regulator formulation containing 120 g/L of the active ingredient Trinexapac-Ethyl. Marvel® Ultra 120ME is a micro-emulsion formulation possessing a patented, unique emulsification package which enhances product stability, improves rainfastness, spread, coverage and movement of Trinexapac-Ethyl into the turf.
- Registered for a very broad range of turf species (more than 11 differing turf species)
- Increases quality of final cut, particularly in high maintenance situations
- Rainfast in 3 hours
- Odourless, micro-emulsion concentrate
- Tank mixing flexibility
- Inhibits vertical shoot growth, and helps produce healthy, higher quality turfgrass