Product details
Orchiata Orchid Bark
Orchiata is a standalone orchid growing medium that can be used directly from the bag. It will not release any toxins to plants and it is a unique stable medium for potting and re-potting.
Orchiata is a sustainable growing medium produced from the finest quality 100% pure New Zealand Pinus radiata bark. Pinus radiata is sourced from renewable man made forests ensuring availability into the future.
More about Orchiata Bark
Orchiata is the number 1 Orchid Bark used all over the world, the potting mix is Manufactured in New Zealand using premium grade Pinus Radiata bark. The Bark is aged not composted which means it will not further compost and break down meaning it will last for several years. With five separate grades it will be easy to choose your ideal mix to suit whatever you are growing from Tissue culture, Phalaenopsis through to large Cymbidiums.